Thank you to the exhibitors who braved the traffic on a Friday. It was lovely to have all the quality there to choose from and I could easily have awarded more green cards.
Veteran Dog or Bitch (4,0)
1st. Chuilinn Magdalena (Robertson). Feminine bitch with typy head oozing quality. Well laid shoulders with good fill of brisket and return of upper arm. Strong rear with balanced angulation. Truest mover with light springy action and plenty of drive. Held her correct topline and completed the picture with her lovely harsh coat. BV
2nd. Ch. Regalflight Tarloch (Bauman). Upstanding stallion hound of good type and with strong bladed bone. Overall balance ok but would prefer a better angulated front assembly to match his good rear. Tended to flatten in topline a little on the move and coat a tad soft.
3rd. Beardswood Quintessence (Helps)
MPD. (0,0)
PD. (1,0)
1st. Beardswood Uther (Faircloth). What an exciting prospect! All male with balanced outline and good length of forearm. Well boned with good feet. Topline held well on the move. Harsh dark coat. Everything as one would expect at this age. To be picky, I would prefer a little less back skull. BP and RCC
YD. (1,0)
1st. Killoeter Tam Dubh (Cummings). Strong and workmanlike but a little course in head with too much stop. Neat ears. Moved very well all round. Good feet. Correct topline with ribbing carried well back. Good width to quarters and nice fall away.
PGD (3,0)
1st. Hyndsight Timespace at Julam (Smith). Masculine with strong head, correct mouth and pleasing eye. Well put together front assembly with good fill of brisket. Held his topline better than 2 today and presented a more balanced outline. Best I’ve seen him going!.
2nd. Hyndsight On The Run. (Finnett & Heathcote). Very similar type to 1, and most of the same remarks. Preferred his hindquarters to 1, and his head had cleaner lines.
LD (2,0).
1st. Greyhawks Romanie Drom. (Pink). Better balance than 2 and well proportioned. Strong, honest male of good type. Propelled himself accurately on the move using his lovely short hocks and holding his topline well. Could have a finer head but look as if he could work all day.
2nd. Packway Loxley Norton (Bauman). Not co-operating with his handler today and paced most of the time. Head has a little too much back skull. A little steep in croup not helped when he stands with his hindquarters too far underneath him. Could be better angulated front and rear. In good coat well presented.
OD. (1,0)
1st Ch. Hyndsight Desperado (Finnett & Heathcote). Really impressive male with a refined head and neat ears. Balanced angulation and well proportioned. Strong, deep loin with wide drooping croup, good width of thigh and hocks low to ground. Deep well sprung ribbing carried well back. Great flat bone. Tends to tighten up behind and pulls his rear too far under him not holding his weight evenly so his outline can be spoiled when standing. Held his topline well on the move but could have better ring presence which caused him to lose out to the bitch for BOB. DCC.
GC D/B (0,0)
SB D/B (0,0)
MPB (1,1)
PB. (4,2)
1st. Beardwood Ulyssa (Helps). Quality puppy who is litter sister to the puppy dog and of very similar type. Good enough front but a little straight in hind angulation at this ‘teenage’ time, and was a tad unlevel behind on the move. A little short and steep in croup but kept her topline. Good harsh jacket.
2nd. Kilbourne Clara Peggotty (Halliday). Nice type but not relaxed today and gave her handler a hard time. Just a baby so I’m sure she’ll settle.
JB (1,0)
1st Kilbourne Clara Peggotty (Halliday)
YB (0,0)
PGB (3,1).
1st. Hyndsight Careless Whisper (Finnett & Heathcote). Very typey from this kennel. Good outline but could have a little more length to forearm to better her proportions. Sound and with great width going away. Pretty head with nicely held ears. Good depth of ribbing and correct fallaway.
2nd. Ollandsheart Nancy (Stuart & Holt). Longer cast than 1 and a little shallow in chest. Well angulated both fore and aft. Good bone and well shaped feet. Not so positive behind, turning her hocks in today.
LB (4,1).
1st. Hyndsight In Your Dreams (Finnett & Heathcote). Really fell for this beautiful girl today. Completely filled my eye and did not disappoint on closer examination. Light on her feet, she moved effortlessly showing super reach and drive. Great length from hip to her well let down hocks. Correct and balanced angulation. Beautiful head and expression with aqualine nose, but eye could stand with being a tad darker. Great flat bone with just enough slope to pastern. Strong neck blending into clean well laid shoulders. Delighted to award her her 3rd CC with BOB and to see her placed Group 4 under Jenney Dove. A bitch I would love to own!
2nd. Chuilinn Windflower (Robertson). Good type who moved very well. Well proportioned. Strong and workmanlike. Would like a better angulated front assembly, and just lacking a little forechest.
3rd. Packway Little Loxley (Lucas & Dargonne)
OB (3,1)
1st. Chuilinn Berengaria (Robertson). Quintessentially ‘deerhound’, this feminine bitch is of lovely type, with correct head and small, neat, well carried ears. Good proportions. Nothing exaggerated. Effortless movement being light and springy and great width all through. In harsh jacket, she pushed hard for top honours, but lacked a little enthusiasm on the move and dropped her weight forward, lowering her head thus spoiling her outline. RCC
2nd. Hyndsight Reason To Believe. (Lucas & Dargonne). Not the biggest of girls but so pretty. Of lovely type. Attractive head and tidy ears. Darkest of eyes giving a soft expression. Moved out well but tended to flatten in her topline a little. Strong quarters used well. In good coat and well presented.
Alison Morton (Judge)